Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Grantham's K4 Graduation

Grantham had a great experience in K4. His teacher said that he loved to help her in the classroom, was super smart and was always ready with an answer. From home we watched Grantham grow and learn how to be a friend, especially to children who needed extra help, develop impressive math skills and begin sounding out words. Watching Grantham "graduate" was bitter sweet. Next year he will go to Kindergarten and be gone five days a week. He is ready academically but Mommy is not ready to see him go! Waiting his turn to receive his "diploma."
Showing off his diploma to one of his classmates.

Singing a song about being ready to go off to Kindergarten. Grantham singing and doing motions was a huge improvement over the beginning of the year when he would hardly make eye contact during the assemblies.

Two wonderful teachers who helped Grantham to shine!

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